Why Getting Listed On Siri Is Good For Business

benefits of siri business listing


Apple’s artificial intelligence assistant, Siri, has become a mainstay for many homes and businesses that primarily use Apple devices. Siri is an incredibly versatile program that can help you perform a wide range of basic and complex tasks on your phone without touching your device. Siri can help you conduct Google searches, play music, send e-mails, and even make restaurant reservations through the use of voice command. And, did you know that you can also use Siri to boost your business? 


Thanks to advancements in AI-powered voice recognition and the emerging trends in voice searches, Listing your business on Siri can be a very powerful tool for business growth. 

Voice Search is Becoming More Popular 

More and more people have been using voice search in the past few years. More than half of all smartphone users are engaging with voice search technology in 2020. Voice Search For Local Businesses  


Bright Local's report from 2018 states that 58% of respondents have used voice to search for local businesses, mostly for establishments such as restaurants, grocery stores, hotels, and food delivery.   


These trends indicate that the number of people who use voice search is on the rise. The data may seem trivial at first glance, but it’s significant in the context of SEO.  


Voice-based and text-based search queries differ greatly in terms of how each query is constructed. Voice searches are longer and bear a more conversational tone compared to text searches.  


This means that optimizing your online content for text-based searches won’t be enough to drive web traffic. You would have to start considering voice search patterns too.  

Why You Should List Your Business with Siri 

According to Microsoft’s 2019 Voice Report, Siri is one of the more popular voice assistants, matched by Google Assistant. The report states that 36% of people use Siri as their go-to voice assistant. Siri is also more aligned with smartphones, which is the most popular device when it comes to making voice searches with in 2018. 


By having your business listed on Siri, you would be increasing the chances of your product or service being found by Apple iOS users. You would be able to tap a wider online audience and potentially increase your web traffic.  

How to List Your Business with Siri 

Voice Command can add your business to Siri and other major voice search platforms. To learn more visit https://voicecommand.net/pages/siri-business-listing